Genres: Punk / Hardcore / Post-Hardcore / Emo / Screamo / Skramz
Related artists: ?.
Country: Osaka JAPAN
Years Active: 2014
Song: "とは"
Album: "Wish You Were Here aka Zdzis Law split"
Year: 2014
For fans of: Blue Friend, Komusō, Zdzis Law, Sto Cosi Cosi, Funeral Diner, Raein, The Third Memory, Yarmulke, Istilah, Thema Eleven, Surmoi, People's Temple Project, Sans Visage, Dip Leg and Forget Me Not.
Related artists: ?.
Country: Osaka JAPAN
Years Active: 2014
Song: "とは"
Album: "Wish You Were Here aka Zdzis Law split"
Year: 2014
For fans of: Blue Friend, Komusō, Zdzis Law, Sto Cosi Cosi, Funeral Diner, Raein, The Third Memory, Yarmulke, Istilah, Thema Eleven, Surmoi, People's Temple Project, Sans Visage, Dip Leg and Forget Me Not.
Label(s): Self Released
The only reason I know about HERLENS is because I was told to check out Zdzis Law because my friend knew I liked Poetry Of Torch (shared members). After jamming the other band's side of the 'Zdzis Law split' I started focused on HERLENS to see if the band was worth more of my time, and good golly it definitely was. They dabble in a late 90s/early 2000s screamo vibe, giving nods to Funeral Diner, some dancey Nebraska-emo and, obviously, their homeland Japan's influences such as Yarmulke and Blue Friend.
They only released the split, so I've only encountered five tracks. Opener "イルミナシオン" begins as a towering, palm-muted affair only to switch to swirling Euro/Malaysian emo right before the one-minute mark. It slows down considerable and meanders for a bit before come back around huge at around 2:55 with a massive, metallic breakdown. "ヴェロニカの残したいパイ" is barely a song at 13 seconds long, but yeah...stuff happens, instruments are played and some vocals are screamed. "とは" is the opposite as it a whopping 6:54 in length, approximately 30 times longer than the previous song. This thing is awesome and sways around like Thema Eleven and Funeral Diner, with a guitar build that hits an incredible swing during the choruses. "Babayaga" is only 6 seconds and I'm not gonna try to do the math thing again...but my initial calculations say that this might be ridiculously short. Closer "また会おう、エミ" falls in line with tracks one and three, creating a beautiful-yet-eerie screamo jam with all of textbook moves.
Seeing as there has been five years of inactivity it's probably safe to say that the band is defunct. Go check out Poetry Of Torch, they are active and absolutely incredible.
This post's artist is from the April 2019 Mix. This is track #7.

They only released the split, so I've only encountered five tracks. Opener "イルミナシオン" begins as a towering, palm-muted affair only to switch to swirling Euro/Malaysian emo right before the one-minute mark. It slows down considerable and meanders for a bit before come back around huge at around 2:55 with a massive, metallic breakdown. "ヴェロニカの残したいパイ" is barely a song at 13 seconds long, but yeah...stuff happens, instruments are played and some vocals are screamed. "とは" is the opposite as it a whopping 6:54 in length, approximately 30 times longer than the previous song. This thing is awesome and sways around like Thema Eleven and Funeral Diner, with a guitar build that hits an incredible swing during the choruses. "Babayaga" is only 6 seconds and I'm not gonna try to do the math thing again...but my initial calculations say that this might be ridiculously short. Closer "また会おう、エミ" falls in line with tracks one and three, creating a beautiful-yet-eerie screamo jam with all of textbook moves.
Seeing as there has been five years of inactivity it's probably safe to say that the band is defunct. Go check out Poetry Of Torch, they are active and absolutely incredible.
2014 - Wish You Were Here aka Zdzis Law split cd (download here)
(2014) HERLENS - "とは" (from 'Zdzis Law' split)
(2014) HERLENS - "イルミナシオン" (from 'Zdzis Law' split)
(2014) HERLENS - "また会おう、エミ" (from 'Zdzis Law' split)
HERLENS out of print mp3 discography download / additional links
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