Saturday 2 November 2019


GenresPunk / Rock / Math / Mathcore / Hardcore / Metal / Screamo / Skramz / Emo-violence / Grindcore / Noise
Related artistsCar Made Of Glass, Potion, Zelophilia, Tom Noyd, The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Potion, Specters Track Bloody Trails, Hockey Slut, Shark Sandwich, This Weeks Leader, The Experimental Boys Of the Jetback Frontier (aka Tebotjf), Trichomaniasis and A Waking Grave.
CountryHumboldt Country, California U.S.A.
Years Active2008-2014
Song: "Laserz"
Album: "Beheaded By Voltron"
Year: 2009
For fans ofHayworth, Ed Gein, Fall Of Troy, The Great Redneck HopePiglet, Loftus, Hella, Ahleuchatistas, The Rabbit Theory, Entrana, SeeYouSpaceCowboy, Oktober Skyline, Enkephalin, Letters In Binary, Me And Him Call It Us, Black Nail, Binary, The Jonbenét, .gif from god, Letters To Catalonia, Kiss 2, Every Time I Die, Von Wolfe and Edhochuli.
Label(s): Self Released / Zegema Beach Records / Hydrogen Bomb Island
This post's artist is from the October 2019 Mix. This is track #1.
You can download: the October 2019 Mix#10 right here or get the new November 2019 Mix#11 here

I must have heard about ANTARCTICA from Christan Segerstrom of Mathcore Index, as he was in the band in 2009 when they released 'Beheaded By Voltron', a seldom discussed masterpiece of extreme rock, hardcore and metal that could easily be likened to mathy, metallic screamo. Founding member Quade was only 16 when most of it was written...and that's just mindboggling. The technical prowess and a tendency to absolutely shred in the screaming department hooked my attention right from the get-go, and was actually convinced that they shared members with Hayworth until I found that geographical misalignment. I describe them often to friends as "Fall Of Troy meets Hayworth" which is generally met with excitement bordering on salivation. And for just reason.


Before I get started, be sure to read the last paragraph of this post for some awesome news. I also find it interesting that most of their music was written in a barn that later became a DIY venue. Each of the song titles is a quote from a friend or a pop culture reference. The band had a plethora of members and style changes throughout their seven year career.

In January of 2008 the band recorded three songs after changing their name from Tebotjf, all of which were rerecorded in that same summer to end up on the 'S.O.C.K.' EP, which stands as a better lo-fi introduction to what the band fleshed out and nailed on the following year's LP. The exclusive songs are "Sushi Making Party" (oh my god those pig squeals) and "Chowder, the Heaviest of All Soup" (that's one awesome song title). At this juncture there were two vocalists, Quentin's ear-shattering shrieks alongside some pretty ridiculous death growls. It is an interesting listen, but those gutterals are too much for me, so let's just jump forward in time.

2009's 'Beheaded By Voltron' is, in this reviewer's opinion, a disregarded masterpiece that perfectly blends the sensibilities of Fall Of Troy with the jarring destruction of Hayworth and guitar wizardry of Edhochuli. After the brief "You Bring the Doom (We'll Bring the Natty Ice) - Introduction" we are met with a very dancey/disjointed opening of "Electrocuticated" complete with sassy shouts before the band goes hella Hayworth 48 seconds in with ear-piercing shrieks and lightning-fast breakdowns. If you aren't sold by the digitally destroyed vocals at 1:19 then just stop reading this review and find a new blog cuz this is 100% my shit. "Suspended Carbonite" is next, swirling around like an antagonistic teenager until the hulk is revealed come 37 seconds via a behemoth breakdown. The last half of the track is chill, Dillinger Escape Plan worship which gives the listener one of only a few breathers on the record. The next song is as humorous as it is catchy and intense. First off, the laughing screams at the beginning set a not-so-serious tone before that drawling, "My baby left me..." section with what sounds ilke an old cowboy crooning the lyrics. Regardless of the aforementioned this song is fire, especially that screamy, scratchy palm-muted section that starts at 27 seconds. Oh, and I'd be an ass to forget the monumental breakdown at 1:29 that, again, screams Hayworth, so I fucking love it. Then it's time for the banger, the shit, my absolute, ultimate jam, "Lazerz 30 Airsoft 3". The shifting, unstable opening is a riot, reminding me of Me And Him Call It Us and Loftus (and yes, Hayworth, too). Then 40 seconds hits and I'm in heaven. Seriously this section is fucking unreal. The stop/start instrumentals mix with a flurry of shrieks that I can't help but scream along to, "You, you fucked up! You know you fucked up!" followed by sassy delivered lyrics of, "Bring, your razors. Bring your razors." And then bam we're getting slammed by a slide-driven breakdown. I haven't even mentioned the second dancey section and ridiculous metal outro...until now I guess. Finishing off side A (mmhmmm) is "I Grew Up In a Single Wide", a 1:59 romp through more sassy, mathy and extreme rock/hardcore/metal that has technical moments of Edchochuli juxtaposed with metallic breakdowns not unlike Tower Of Rome, all topped with Fall Of Troy melodic/dancey sensibilities.

The B-side opens with the sensational "The Magic Bullet", putting on clinics in both ultra-shrieky, danceable, whitebelt/myspace music as well as extremely technical hard rock and metal guitar solos. Be sure to watch the live video of this song with Quentin doing the entire thing with an unplugged mic. It is truly one of the most cathartic things I've ever seen, and somehow the only live video of the band currently in existence. Take a ride on the style carousel with "Distributing.Rhythmic.Abuse." and shatter any ideas you have about bands staying in a single genre during the course of a song. I also feel the need to reiterate how powerful the screaming is - I actually messaged my friend and U.S. counterpart at Zegema Beach saying, "Those vocals are everything I want to be." As the song fades out we are hit full force by "Aqua Teen Destroyed Boston's Life", a relatively short but explosive number that fans of .gif from god and Oktober Skyline are sure to enjoy immensely, especially the tearing of the space-time continuum at 1:05 and that monolithic breakdown come 1:24. It's the title track "Beheaded By Voltron" that has the most Fall Of Troy influence shining through, but they definitely take the instrumental side to the next level and leave clean singing out of it altogether. I am under the impression that before writing closer "Tennis Grunts" the band said, "Hey, we love Psyopus. Let's do a Psyopus song," and that they sure as shit did. This album is a truly remarkable and underappreciated gem that I hope starts gaining more recognition.

2010 'Beheaded By Voltron (reissue)' which was uploaded online with bass added in courtesy of Luke Kelly. I hadn't realized it until writing this review, but I had been jamming the old version of the record and this new one with bass is fucking badass. The groovy sections have a lot more groove and the heavy sections/breakdowns are ridiculous. I have to jam this through all the way again because it's like getting a second xmas this year.

In 2012 the band released 'Escape From Hooker Mountain' which was three songs initially intended to be used for a split with Echoes Build Empires, but instead were reverted to a digital EP and dubbed an "unfinished product". A very noticeable change was no more Quentin...or vocals of any kind. It's an enjoyable listen, but not for anyone looking to hear more chaotic, shrieky ANTARCTICA. Two years later in 2014 the band released a posthumous 'split w/This Weeks Leader' that pretty much ditches metal/hardcore for twinkly math rock and ambient/noise not unlike PigletHella and Ahleuchatistas. Again, not really my thing but some people here will dig it, I'm sure.

So why did I start talking about A and B sides concerning the 'Beheaded By Voltron' LP? Cuz as the cds have been sought after for a decade it's high time for Zegema Beach Records to make some goddamned tapes. Cassettes /60 coming in late December/January with a bonus live track. Fuck to the yes.


2008 - Demo digitalEP (anyone got this?)
2008 - S.O.C.K. cdEP

2009 - Beheaded By Voltron cdLP (stream/donate/download here)

2010 - Beheaded By Voltron (reissue) digitalLP (stream/donate/download here)

2012 - Escape From Hooker Mountain digitalEP

2014 - This Weeks Leader split cassetteLP (stream/donate/download here)


(2009) ANTARCTICA - "Lazerz 30 Airsoft 3" (from 'Beheaded By Voltron [reissue]')

(2009) ANTARCTICA - "Aqua Teen Destroyed Boston's Life" (from 'Beheaded By Voltron [reissue]')

(2009) ANTARCTICA - "Electrocuticated" (from 'Beheaded By Voltron [reissue]')

(2009) ANTARCTICA - "Beheaded By Voltron" (from 'Beheaded By Voltron [reissue]')

(2009) ANTARCTICA - "The Magic Bullet" live

(2008) ANTARCTICA - "Chowder, The Heaviest of All Soup" (from 'SOCK')

(2012) ANTARCTICA - "Mind Eraser" (from 'Escape From Hooker Mountain')

(2014) ANTARCTICA - "escape from cowboys from hell pt. 2" (from 'This Weeks Leader' split)


ANTARCTICA out of print mp3 discography download / additional links


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