@West Community Centre in Victoria
February 15th, 2025
The band I play in (Mourn Recif) was asked to play this show a week or two before it went down as another local band couldn't continue their commitment. We hopped on and I got to see one of the best live sets of my year, as YELLFIRE fucking tore the place down. Videos and links below.
Heads up next Mourn Recif show is April 5th, 2025 in Victoria w/Emma Goldman, Coup D'etat, and A Recorded Dawn. Very stoked on that. More info soon.
Woooo baby the headliner did the exact opposite of disappoint and absolutely ripped my face off. The dark, mathy, Botch-esque hardcore was exactly what the doctor ordered. The craziest thing about this band was finding out after the performance that they have a second guitarist who got sick and didn't make the trip! Oh my god I can't even imagine a bigger, more commanding set, but the next time they make the trek you bet your ass I'm going. They were so good I snagged a second video linked below.
(2025) YELLFIRE (live)
This band came up from SEATTLE????? and mentioned they had recordings coming out at midnight, and played a mix of genres that would make my brain melt if I tried. Very cool guitars, solid drums, groovy bass and clean vocals came together very well, and at times fucking amazing. There were two other songs in particular that I was all over but unfortunately didn't film.
(2025) TEETHING (live)
For fans of: Black Treacle and La Lune
Oh my god this band wrote some new songs and they are so much darker and heavier...I am in love. I've embedded my fave below which has an absolutely sinister close omg. At this show Josh (guitar/vocals) from this band officially joined Mourn Recif so expect to see him in future videos.
(2025) A RECORDED DAWN "new song 1" (live)
So I found out that if I can't see my guitar very well then I fuck up A LOT. With that out of the way, people seemed receptive, but this was def our worst show. Here's a new jam that'll sound different once we get the second guitar in there.
(2025) MOURN RECIF "North of Horsehit" (live)
For fans of: Animal Faces and The World That Summer