Thursday 28 November 2013


GenresPunk / Noise / Math Metal / Grind / Post-Hardcore / Metalcore / Screamo
Related artistsHirs and Boroughs.
Country: Michigan, USA
Years Active: 2001-2004
Song: "Calling to Confirm"
Album: "Phoenix Bodies Split"
Year: 2003
This post's artist is from the October 2013 Mix. This is track #4.
You can download the October 2013 Mix right here.
For fans of: The Great Redneck Hope, Cassilis, BotchLlynchPhoenix BodiesTotem Skin, Officer Jones And His Patrol Car Problems, Bleeding KansasDillinger Escape Plan, This Ship Will Sink, In First Person, AchillesBack WhenBlack Kites, Orchid, Bucket Full Of Teeth, LoftusThe Minor Times, The Abandoned Hearts Club and Converge.

In a similar fashion to Llynch and This Ship Will Sink, ENKEPHALIN takes parts from Botch, The Dillinger Escape Plan and Orchid and fuses them together to make dizzying blasts of mathy, screamy hardcore bordering on metal and grind music. They have their subdued moments but they are few and far between. Just listen to those guitars. Holy shit that guy was a hero.

ENKEPHALIN only existed for a few short years, but the output produced has a staggeringly mature and talented sound. The band is most well-known for their split cd/12" with Phoenix Bodies, another metal-infused hardcore/screamo/grind band, and the Robotic Empire 'Mutation' compilation that included unreleased tracks from the likes of heavyweights such as Ed Gein, The Minor Times and The Abandoned Hearts Club.

In 2011 I came across a rare 3" demo cd by the band on ebay. I proceeded to soil myself, clean up and then hastily order the cd. The 10 songs were mostly unreleased with a few demo versions that really helped bring the band's roots and influences to the surface. Coupled with their 2 other releases, I would strongly recommend downloading their mp3 discography posted below. This shit is nuts.


Click )==>here<==( to download the band's complete discography in mp3 form.

2001 - Demo 3"cdLP

2003 - Phoenix Bodies Split cd/12"EP
2003 - Mutation Compilation (contributed "Real Deal Holyfield")

(2003) ENKEPHALIN - "Calling to Confirm" (from 'Phoenix Bodies' split)

(2003) ENKEPHALIN - "Real Deal Holyfield" (from 'Mutation' comp)

(2002) ENKEPHALIN - "Little Qanda" (from 'Demo')


ENKEPHALIN out-of-print discography mp3 download



  1. Haha awesome. I did vocals for this band, fun times man

    1. Dude...obviously your band was awesome! Thanks for reading, are you in any bands now?

    2. Adam (NSA Spying Device)4 October 2014 at 19:23

      Yeah Dan Mason... come on.. we're on the edge of our seats here

  2. Scott is in

    Scott and I are both in

    We also recently started a new project that's a little more tech(ish) too. :-)

    1. I updated the related artists page and linked both of the band's bandcamps. Thanks, this shit is killer! Digging the Hirs stuff currently.

  3. Updated discography download:!IVdEyLrY!s_wzDXlAHh9jelo8isjF_HQvXNcmWTmOjXorfoE8DjA

  4. Saw these guys with the now, since by man and ruehaeda at the Weston in grand Rapids in 2001-ish or so......I believe that there was at least one ex-Hamilton member in enekephalin.....
