Thursday 25 July 2024

*** SMUSH release show review w/Piss + Lilex & The Apocalips ***

SMUSH Release Show


@Green Auto Body in Vancouver on June 15th, 2024

Live Show Review

After falling head over heels in love with SMUSH (and somehow landing the 12"LP release with my Softseed Music label) I made the trek to Vancouver to see their release show. Not only were they amazing, but the entire bill kicked serious ass.

They have another show tomorrow Friday July 26th that I will be attending with my Softseed distro including pre-orders for SMUSH. Please come say hi!

Lastly, the band did both an interview with and a podcast with (((((OPENmind/SATURATEDbrain))))) should see the light of day in the next few weeks!

I'm not sure if a set has ever pumped serotonin and smiles like this opener did. I arrived during their first song and got a face-full of sunny sounds and vocals that tickle the brain. Their banter in between songs was also great, with the members switching instruments numerous times. Honestly this was awesome and I hope I can catch them again.

(2024) LILEX AND THE APOCALIPS (live in Vancouver)

I had heard this band was good, but as per usual I purposefully didn't listen to the openers before the show. So after the first band I was expecting something soft still, maybe with crunchier guitars or the occasional wail...but what I got was a fucking explosion of emotion, screaming, ranting, feedback, and movement. Look the fuck out this band is gonna turn heads so fast they might twist off. That's some visceral shit.

(2024) PISS (live in Vancouver)

Oh my god this band is the fucking best. Playing all of 'If you were here I'd be home now' in a staggering balancing act of beauty and crushing, their heavy shoegaze/alternative sound permeated the space and had everyone nodding along...except for that one part (maybe it was during "heartless"?) when people started moshing to a shoegaze band. That was nuts. The band's 12"s are at the plant now and should be in hand early September. 150 copies on transparent pink! Links to buy the record are at the bottom of this (click here).

(2024) SMUSH "horse drawing" (live in Vancouver)


next SMUSH show:
July 26th in Vancouver

Sunday 21 July 2024

*** PODCAST #157 Febuary ***

    Ahhhh FEBUARY. They came, they conquered, they peaced. Somehow I scored this podcast with them less than a month before they disbanded. It pains me, especially upon listening to the interview, knowing that they will not be able to play ZBR Fest 2025 and grace us with the new material that they talk about on this podcast. CDs coming from real son cuz their single, self-titled album is truly something special and deserves a release on all formats. Some other things discussed: Deep cut lore, the emo-trifecta, dadspo, the first-band effect, Abby's unique style, full circle moments, joining the boxing ring club, humping things back into place, songs that make you want to crash cars, wow to pow factor, the soundtrack of being 20, etc. Bands played in this podcast: Converge, D'Amore, Excrucis, Kind Of Like Spitting, The Lazarus Plot, and Poison The Well. Listen to podcast #157 which is available to stream and/or download for free via this link.


1 Her Dad Is So Cool
CONVERGE "The Saddest Day" (Airon)

2 The Craig Woods Surprise
THE LAZURUS PLOT "Friday the 13th" (Abby)
D'AMORE "Allergy Season" (Dave)

I'm Dating All These Muthafuckas
POISON THE WELL "A Wish For Things That Were" (Dylan)

4 Running Vocals
KIND OF LIKE SPITTING "Birds of a Feather" (Rila)
EXCRUCIS "Ceasefire" (Dave)



Watch their final show below:

Tuesday 16 July 2024



@Big Fernwood in Victoria on June 29th, 2024

Live Show Review

As I went to bed on June 28th I got a message in my band chat for MOURN RECIF asking if we would hop on this Victoria show as a band needed to bow out. We were recording some songs that day, and decided to head out early so we could play this, thus leaving four of six songs unfinished. At first I didn't think we made the right call (cuz we left recording early), but by the end of the night I was smitten with the bands and show in general. Shout out Troy!

I actually missed this opening band as I came into the venue as they were finishing up, luckily local sweetheart Drue filmed part of their song so that's what I've used in the video below. Very promising emo-soaked screamo from Victoria.

(2024) ALL THAT DECAYS (live in Victoria)

What the fuck? I heard this band was good, so we checked out their soundcloud which was cool but I didn't hear any vocals. Seeing them live was a completely different story, as despite being a three-piece they go full beast-mode. All members contribute vocals and play a darker, emo-violence akin to Senza and A Paramount A Love Supreme, and I know they're recording a buncha songs soon that'll hopefully see the light of day well before the end of the year. Definitely check this out as they were the highlight of the show for me.

(2024) COUP D'ETAT (live in Victoria)

*Extra video: "Kids these days don't know the meaning of survelliance state" (live in Victoria)


This was definitely our best show. I think the bill helped push us to play more intensely and the crowd was generally more receptive to screamo. We'll be back in Victoria on August 24th on a ridiculous yet-to-be-released show, but play this Thursday July 18th in Vancouver, info at bottom.

(2024) MOURN RECIF "Slow Reign" (live in Victoria)

I spoke with this duo after the show and it sounds like this was only their third show, but wowza were they sick. A brutal combination of death metal and grind repeatedly stabbed at the eardrums of all in the gymnasium's attendance.

(2024) BATHTUB AUTOPSY (live in Victoria)

This band came from the U.S. (Seattle, I believe) to kick some hardcore asses. They were super chill and put on a great live set.

(2024) CHOPPING BLOCK (live in Victoria)


next MOURN RECIF show:
July 18th in Vancouver