Genres: Punk / Hardcore / Screamo / Powerviolence
Related artists: David Carradine, Ask The Dead, Feedback Psychosis and Terror Eyes.
Country: Providence, Rhode Island USA
Years Active: 2015-present
Song: "A Previous Knowledge of Self Destruction"
Album: "Separation Anxiety"
Year: 2017
For fans of: Creeper, Terror Eyes, Less Life, Converge, Fucking Invincible, This Ship Will Sink, In First Person, Perth Express, Trainwreck, Graf Orlock, Ghostlimb, Crestfallen, Warsaw Was Raw and Jenny Piccolo.
Related artists: David Carradine, Ask The Dead, Feedback Psychosis and Terror Eyes.
Country: Providence, Rhode Island USA
Years Active: 2015-present
Song: "A Previous Knowledge of Self Destruction"
Album: "Separation Anxiety"
Year: 2017
For fans of: Creeper, Terror Eyes, Less Life, Converge, Fucking Invincible, This Ship Will Sink, In First Person, Perth Express, Trainwreck, Graf Orlock, Ghostlimb, Crestfallen, Warsaw Was Raw and Jenny Piccolo.
Label(s): Riotous Outburst Records
This post's artist is from the May 2017 Mix. This is track #1.
You can download: the May 2017 Mix#5 right here or get the new June 2017 Mix#6 here.
WORST DAYS is a hardcore band from Providence, Rhode Island in the U.S.A. that first released in 2015 with their debut 'Demo' tape EP. OMSB was able to premiere the entire 2017 followup titled 'Separation Anxiety' earlier this year and on June 1st, 2017 the band played the Zegema Beach Records Fest Pre-Show at D-Beatstro in Toronto (linked here) and stayed at my house in Hamilton that night. The fellas were extremely nice, respectful and were great to watch live. Let's do a quick run through, shall we?
The 'Demo' tape (which you can buy from ZBR here) houses six songs of venomous hardcore with more than a fair share of twists, turns and instrumental precision. Opener "Sunrise" showcases vocalist Matt's excellent range of higher pitched shrieks and low-end screams that border on growls, without sounding death-metal in the least. It's interesting to note that Matt is a big screamo fan, although the guitars have more in common with dark, seething and gritty hardcore. Throughout the EP there are numerous points that border on metallic hardcore such as Converge and early Thomas Schlatter work, but every song stays rooted in hardcore. "Shameless", "Mindless" and "Safe Lies" all clock in at under a minute so you know shit gets dense with zero lulls. "Hopeless" is chock full of palm mutes and playful guitar work while the closer "Emotionless" pulls out some interesting guitar licks and ends on a very heavy note.
With 'Separation Anxiety' the band really hits their stride, opting for even more power, precision and volatility. "A Previous Knowledge of Self Destruction" introduces the EP and is probably my favourite WORST DAYS song, as it begins with lulling guitar notes and Matt's screamier vocals. By 32 seconds the gutteral growls take hold and help transition the opener into insane drumming that drives the rest of the song, as well as the remaining four tracks on EP. The title track "Separation Anxiety" follows and incorporates more noise and ferocity than any track on the debut recording. "Mutilated Thoughts" follows with more guitar variation and fantastic stops and starts led by Chris on drums. The second half of the song slows down a bit and reminds me of Toronto's Creeper. Track four is titled "Feeble Minds" and tears through pissed-off hardcore which is over before the 40-second mark. The final song, "Its Easier To Destroy Than Create", begins with palm-muted guitars that meet up with the bass and lightning quick drums to create a very cool instrumental hardcore closer.
After winning a contest of some sort, WORST DAYS was able to record "Sad Excuse of a Man" with the legendary Kurt Ballou at God City Studios that ended up on the 'Food Not Bombs' compilation. The song sounds fucking killer and takes the songs from the 2017 EP to a new, heavier, thicker and pulverizing level.
It's also worth noting that bassist Josh Marsie (who also plays in David Carradine) runs a label and distro called Riotous Outburst Records with a ton of cool hardcore records and tapes. Later this month WORST DAYS will also be playing Fluff Fest and after seeing them in the ZBR Fest Pre-Show setting, I would reckon they do a hell of a job turning some heads from the big stage on July 21st. I also just found out that WORST DAYS will soon be recording four new tracks with Will Killingsworth at Dead Air Studios, so watch out for more material soon!
WORST DAYS is a hardcore band from Providence, Rhode Island in the U.S.A. that first released in 2015 with their debut 'Demo' tape EP. OMSB was able to premiere the entire 2017 followup titled 'Separation Anxiety' earlier this year and on June 1st, 2017 the band played the Zegema Beach Records Fest Pre-Show at D-Beatstro in Toronto (linked here) and stayed at my house in Hamilton that night. The fellas were extremely nice, respectful and were great to watch live. Let's do a quick run through, shall we?

With 'Separation Anxiety' the band really hits their stride, opting for even more power, precision and volatility. "A Previous Knowledge of Self Destruction" introduces the EP and is probably my favourite WORST DAYS song, as it begins with lulling guitar notes and Matt's screamier vocals. By 32 seconds the gutteral growls take hold and help transition the opener into insane drumming that drives the rest of the song, as well as the remaining four tracks on EP. The title track "Separation Anxiety" follows and incorporates more noise and ferocity than any track on the debut recording. "Mutilated Thoughts" follows with more guitar variation and fantastic stops and starts led by Chris on drums. The second half of the song slows down a bit and reminds me of Toronto's Creeper. Track four is titled "Feeble Minds" and tears through pissed-off hardcore which is over before the 40-second mark. The final song, "Its Easier To Destroy Than Create", begins with palm-muted guitars that meet up with the bass and lightning quick drums to create a very cool instrumental hardcore closer.
After winning a contest of some sort, WORST DAYS was able to record "Sad Excuse of a Man" with the legendary Kurt Ballou at God City Studios that ended up on the 'Food Not Bombs' compilation. The song sounds fucking killer and takes the songs from the 2017 EP to a new, heavier, thicker and pulverizing level.
It's also worth noting that bassist Josh Marsie (who also plays in David Carradine) runs a label and distro called Riotous Outburst Records with a ton of cool hardcore records and tapes. Later this month WORST DAYS will also be playing Fluff Fest and after seeing them in the ZBR Fest Pre-Show setting, I would reckon they do a hell of a job turning some heads from the big stage on July 21st. I also just found out that WORST DAYS will soon be recording four new tracks with Will Killingsworth at Dead Air Studios, so watch out for more material soon!
2015 - Demo cassetteEP (stream/donate/download here)
2017 - Separation Anxiety cassetteEP (stream/donate/download here)
2017 - Food Not Bombs benefit digital single (stream/buy/support here)
(2017) WORST DAYS - "Sad Excuse of a Man" (from 'Food Not Bombs')
(2017) WORST DAYS - Full set from Zegema Beach Records Fest Pre-Show
(2017) WORST DAYS - "Mutilated Thoughts" (from 'Separation Anxiety')
(2017) WORST DAYS - "Separation Anxiety" (from 'Separation Anxiety')
(2015) WORST DAYS - "Sunrise" (from 'Demo')
(2015) WORST DAYS - "Safe Lies" (from 'Demo')
WORST DAYS additional links
Confusion specialist released their discography tape.
Dis band real cool duuuuu