Monday 20 October 2014


GenresPunk / Metallic Hardcore / Black-Metal / Thrash / Experimental
Related artistsKarenza, Spread The Disease, Cunter, MindbenderBad Touch, METZ and Hunter.
CountryToronto, Ontario CANADA
Years Active2000-2005
Song: "Elvis Presley's Rock and Roll War Effort"
Album: "The Initial Confessions of..."
Year: 2001
Label(s): Self Released / Init Records / Abacus Recordings / Hydra Head Industries / Controlled By Robots / Double H Noise Industries / Century Media / Speedowax Records / 
This post's artist is from the October 2014 Mix. This is track #7.
You can download the October Mix#10 right here or get the new November Mix#11 here.
For fans of: UzielCurl Up And Die, The Great Redneck Hope, Botch, The Catalyst, The Minor Times, Cassilis, Seventeen Again, The Avenging Disco Godfathers Of SoulLavotchkinEngineer, Achilles, Canyons, The End, The Sheer Force Of Inertia and Converge.

You want a hidden gem...encrusted in aggression, violence and dirt? Here ya go. THE ABANDONED HEARTS CLUB played breakdown-laden, thrashy, mathy, metallic hardcore and hailed from Toronto, which I only found out recently as the they disbanded almost a decade ago and therefore I wasn't watching the scene in the area at that time. If you really like the early Curl Up And Die stuff like the 'The Only Good Bug is a Dead Bug' EP, catchy/heavy hardcore like Uziel as well as a slower, heavier and Botch-ier The Great Redneck Hope all mashed together with Horse The Band, you may accidentally try to make babies in your underpants, or if you are female just have an all around good time.

'The Initial Confessions of...'s "Elvis Presley's Rock and Roll War Effort" at 0:56 will make any pacifist want to punch someone random in the face as they mosh to these breakdowns. Many of the tracks on the band's initial EP, 'The Initial Confession of...' have a strange, eerie, bouncy rhythmic pulse to them. "Consensus Emptiness and the Never Encore Obsession" is a prime example of this. With the use of well-placed synth-sounds, the band manages to make the songs come apart at the seams as they pummel the listener with abrasive, experimental, metallic hardcore topped with a synth/sonic assault. "The Failure a Posteriori" puts this to the test and rips the songs apart just to piece it back together a few times, most notably at 2:33 but the few times before are pretty sweet also.

The posthumous LP 'Aloha Cocksuckers' was never officially released, but I acquired the mp3s and they are more math-metal influenced and less experimental. This time around the vocals opt for much more of a Minor Times-esque hardcore scream, and drop the crazy Curl Up And Die/Great Redneck Hope style - both of which I thoroughly enjoy. I really like this album, but their first EP is where it's at for me because it's so weird. This LP doesn't hold a candle to Botch or The Minor Times, but it's still really fucking good.

Random note, I found it unnerving to see that they listed their band members as "Terry Tittyfuck" and the like in the liner notes of their first album, even though I'm sure it's a joke. You can read up on a fair amount of the band's history here by clicking the "read more" link in the profile section, ya numbnuts. I've also posted the very rare download of their apparent discography here!


Click )==>here<==( to download the band's complete discography in mp3 form.

2001 - The Initial Confessions of... cd/7"EP

2002 - Live on the CIUT 89.5 cdEP

2003 - Mutation compilation cdLP (contributed "Experimenting with Maturity")

2004 - Aloha, Cocksuckers! digitalLP


(2001) THE ABANDONED HEARTS CLUB - "Elvis Presley's Rock and Roll War Effort" (from 'The Initial Confessions of...')

(2001) THE ABANDONED HEARTS CLUB - "The Failure a Posteriori" (from 'The Initial Confessions of...')

(2003) THE ABANDONED HEARTS CLUB - "Theme Song From The Film Noir Volatility Perversion" (from 'Where is My Robot?' comp)

(2004) THE ABANDONED HEARTS CLUB - "Metropolitan Sentences" (from 'Aloha, Cocksuckers')

(2004) THE ABANDONED HEARTS CLUB - "Admissions of a Sale Clerk" (from 'Aloha, Cocksuckers')


THE ABANDONED HEARTS CLUB out of print mp3 discography download

(download here)


  1. man, i wanted to check this one out too, mind reuploading it? i loved the sound of it so far!!

    1. There ya go!!xVUlhCxD!GJ9BbT4Qx27heCjAobhw3giz38F5HiWd_HXqAMjC484
