Genres: Rock /
Related artists: Old Man Gloom, Doomriders and Converge.
Country: Virginia Beach, VA, USA
Years Active: 1996-1998
Song: "Hole In The Sky"
Album: "Discography"
Year: 1998
For fans of: Old Man Gloom, Cave In, Isis, Converge, Forensics, Knut, Doomriders, Botch
and Edhochuli.

The band had 4 releases from 1996-1998 which were compiled on the 'Discography' album, which has amazing artwork.
Let's be honest, Nate Newton has a style to him. Just like Tom from Capacities, anything Nate Newton touches has a dark but catchy edge that is unmistakable. Here's where it started. Seriously, "Hole In The Sky" could be a demo for Doomriders - but it came out in 1998! (it's also a Black Sabbath cover) That shit was ahead of it's time. Crossing fuzzy metal licks, feedback, aggressive hardcore and monster breakdowns - JESUIT forged a new style that diverged from the Boston hardcore/metal acts Cave In and Converge from the late 90s.
youtube )))))embedded audio((((( links
(1998) JESUIT - "Hole In The Sky" (from 'Discography' LP)
(1998) JESUIT - "Car Crash Lullabye" (from 'Discography' LP)
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