Tuesday 11 June 2024

*** MYSTIC WILL exclusive album premiere ***

'That Is All, But That Is Enough'
exclusive album premiere

For fans of
Underdark, Circle Takes The Square, RespireLocktender and Hope Drone

     I am stoked today to bring you an early premiere of 'That Is All, But That Is Enough' in its entirety from St. Louis' MYSTIC WILL. These songs were written before and during the pandemic, with the band laying down tracking from early 2022 to early 2024 and features Jack (vocals) - Miracle Whip, Smidley, Jr. Clooney, ex-AnkouSean (guitar) - Furnace Floor, ex-AnodesDerek (bass) - Path of Might, ex-Hot Corpse, and Casey (drums) - The Vast, ex-Anodes. The seven mighty tracks were engineered by Ryan Wasoba and mastered by Magnus Lindberg. The painting for the cover is by Mark Stopforth.

     Ah Dave, but what does that shit sound like? Well, besides hinting at it with some of the members other projects, they cite City of Caterpillar, Welcome the Plague Year, Union of Uranus, At the Gates, Dissection, Circle Takes the Square, Thou, Birds in Row, and Jungbluth. Pretty much all of those track into the band's final sound, with Circle Takes The Square probably being at the forefront. Most tracks gravitate toward the four-minute mark with the opener and closer both stretching into five-minute territory. It's fast. It's blackened. It's pretty fackin' dark, to be honest. It reminds me of atmospheric black metal crossed over with hardcore and a bit o' screamo. The vocals are like acid, the drumming is wild, and the bass/guitars weave crushing and swirling melodies that meet halfway between death and lullabies. They have no current plans for shows or physical release but they're not ruling anything out completely, but releasing this is probably the last thing they do as a band! Please check it out <3

     This releases in full on the band's Bandcamp Friday June 14th, 2024.

(2024) MYSTIC WILL 'That Is All, But That Is Enough' full stream

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