Sunday 14 July 2024

*** PODCAST #156 Andrew Schwartz (.gif from god) ***

Photo by: Bret Backus

    Anyone who has followed this blog knows my love .GIF FROM GOD knows no end. Therefore I extended another arm to the band and vocalist (and the original bassist) Shorts agreed to let me run through their musical history. The band ruined me at ZBR Fest 2024 and hanging out with Shorts and listening to his favourite mosh calls in the alley was a personal highlight for me. In this podcast he added to that mosh call list and we also discussed: motocross'n'music, Offspring and Green Day memories, almost an Iwrotehaikus... inspired band, extreme metal vs. screamo, LP3!, chunky sass, war metal, teenage revival and the wall of death, Swamp Fest memories and Weak Wrists shoutout, favorite recent albums, Kate Bush and Prince give Shorts a call, lotsa love, etc. Bands played in this podcast: Antichrist Seige Machine, Crowbar, Fallingwithscissors, Old Man Gloom, and Suicide Silence. Listen to podcast #156 which is available to stream and/or download for free via this link.


1 The reason why I am this nightmare of a person
CROWBAR "Nothing" (Andrew)
OLD MAN GLOOM "Gift" (Dave)

2 Erase the Past

It Feels Like They're Bleeding Into Your Ears
SUICIDE SILENCE "Unanswered" (Andrew) [music video]



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