Sunday 23 June 2024

*** PODCAST #155 Craig Woods (The Feat, D'Amore, Fall On Deaf Years, etc.) ***

    Back in the early 2000s I stumbled across the Adonis Battlefield + D'Amore split and it opened my brain up to a ton of sick screamo/adjacent stuff from the likes of Craig Woods and company. After two years of momentum building, we finally shot off the starting line and did this here podcast. Craig currently plays in The Feat, The Feet, Pink Guys, and Pink Eyes. Dead serious on those band names. Some other things discussed: being in The Feat, The Feet, Elder, La Clef, Peter & Craig, D'Amore, Fall On Deaf Years, Towers, Kick Rocks, The HubbiesThe Cats, Ryerose, Hot Bagels, The Push Push, Engines: pulling a Schlatter, Pantera says "drop acid", four hundred inspirations, Good Clean Fun rolling around and pretending to cry, Towers: Too Weird to Release, the secrets of Dawntreader, Srewot regrets, documenting music, ultra running and running with bread, cat-register singing, vocal volume in mixing...time for a battle, etc. Bands played in this podcast: Dawntreader, Febuary, Four Hundred Years, Kollapse, Laura Stevenson and the Cans, and The Potential Johns. Listen to podcast #155 which is available to stream and/or download for free via this link.


1 Headphone Hookup
FOUR HUNDRED YEARS "An Hour Too Late" (Craig)

2 Secret Door
DAWNTREADER "Pandora's Box" (Craig)
KOLLAPSE "Død" (Dave) [official music video]

The Keeper of the Stuff
LAURA STEVENSON AND THE CANS "Master of Art" (Dave) [official music video]



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